

admin 2021-03-23 56
旗开得胜二维码下载(棋开得胜是正规平台吗)摘要: 旗开得胜打一阿拉伯数字旗开得胜打一阿拉伯数字——答案:7.旗开得胜qíkāidéshèng【解释】刚一打开旗帜进入战斗,就取得了胜利.比喻事情刚一开始,就取得好成绩.【出处】元·无...





  qí kāi dé shèng











  【英译】make a successful beginning



  28,旗开得胜,谐音 七开得四 , 28除以7得4




  1. 打开微信(有装微信的话),在微信里的扫一扫,直接对准二维码进行扫描就可以扫描并识别出二维码的内容.

  2. 下载安装二维码扫描软件,用二维码扫描软件直接扫描二维码.()


旗开得胜的英文版 MP3&歌词

  k'naan - wavin' flag


  Oooooooooooooh wooooooooooh!

  Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher

  See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud

  In the streets our hands are lifting, as we lose our inhibition

  Celebration, its around us, every nation, all around us

  Singing forever young, singing songs underneath the sun

  Let's rejoice in the beautiful game, and together at the end of the day

  We all say

  When I get older, I will be stronger

  They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag

  When I get older, I will be stronger

  They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  Oooooooooooooh wooooooooooh!

  Give you freedom, give you fire, give you reason, take you higher

  See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud

  In the streets our hands are lifting, as we lose our inhibition

  Celebration, its around us, every nation, all around us

  Singing forever young, singing songs underneath the sun

  Let's rejoice in the beautiful game, and together at the end of the day

  We all say

  When I get older, I will be stronger

  They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag

  When I get older, I will be stronger

  They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  Oooooooooooooh wooooooooooh!

  We all say

  When I get older, I will be stronger

  They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag

  When I get older, I will be stronger

  They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag



waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  The waving flag

  And everybody will be singing it ....

  Oooooooooooooh wooooooooooh!

  And we all will be singing it ...

  And we all will be singing it ...


作者:admin本文地址:http://jsg1407.com/msmh/16020.html发布于 2021-03-23
